Fashion & Grooming Coaching Program

2,400 USD

Do you find yourself staring at your closet, feeling unsure about how to dress yourself for the occasion at hand? Or perhaps you've struggled to find the right haircut that complements your features and personality? Maybe you have reached a milestone in your life, or turned a new leaf, and want a whole new image to match your aspirations, but have no idea where or how to begin. If so, you're not alone. Many of my friends faced similar challenges, and turned to me for help. Encouraged by my success in helping them all achieve their desired style, I am now excited to be able to help men around the world elevate their image, leaving them feeling on top of the world.

As your personal men's fashion and grooming coach and stylist, I'm all about unlocking your individuality and confidence. Together, we'll dive into your wardrobe, uncovering pieces that truly reflect who you are, and building on top of it to create a flexible and stylish set of clothes and accessories that will knock “dressing up” off your list of worrisome chores. We’ll also perfect your personal grooming routine - from mastering the right haircut, refining your skincare routine, to finding you the right cologne that leaves a lasting impression, I'm here to guide you through every detail.

When you walk out that door knowing you look and feel your best, it’s going to radiate into everything you do – from nailing that job interview to owning the room in social settings. Sign up with me and watch your self-image skyrocket in ways you never imagined!


  • A comprehensive wardrobe makeover, based on your personality, lifestyle, profession and budget.

  • A full review of your existing wardrobe, advising you on what to keep and what to replace or donate.

  • A full shopping list with product links for all pieces to build your wardrobe. This will comprise clothes, including innerwear and outerwear, and basic accessories like shoes and belts.

  • Suggestions for accessories to match your style, such as watches, eyewear, jewelry, bags and hats.

  • Guidance on how to style the pieces in your updated wardrobe and how to add your own personalized twists.

  • Customized advice on personal grooming to elevate your look and confidence. This will include tips on:

    • facial hair grooming,

    • haircuts and hairstyles to suit your face and style,

    • a basic skincare routine,

    • nail care,

    • choosing your cologne and scents

  • A report on your style assessment and final outcome, with all of the above advice, shopping links and tips documented for you to be able to refer to it as you continue on your fashion journey.


  1. Book your initial 45 minute consultation with me HERE. At the time of booking this, you will pay the full program fee.

  2. During the consultation, I will ask you questions to get to know you and get to know your personality, likes and dislikes. We will discuss your profession, lifestyle, budget and style goals.

  3. Immediately after the initial consultation, I will send you a questionnaire to fill as well as specific instructions to submit photos of your current wardrobe and outfits.

  4. Once I receive your response, I will get to work creating a highly personalized style plan for you, complete with a current closet review, shopping list with product links, color palette, example photos of outfits and styling options, skincare routine, haircut/style and facial hair grooming suggestions, overall body grooming tips, all with product suggestions within your budget and instructions on how to use them. This plan will take 3-4 weeks for me to prepare and send you, from the date I receive your response.

  5. If you have any questions about your personalized plan or would like to go over it or make any changes, we can schedule a 30 minute call.

  6. You will now start shopping for the items on your wardrobe and grooming list and begin to apply the styling advice. During this process, you will have email/text message support for up to 8 weeks, where you can ask me any questions and send photos and videos for me to review your purchases, etc.

  7. Once you have received all your purchases and have started using them, we will have a final follow-up 60 minute call (you can schedule this here, at any point during your 8 weeks of support), where I will review your purchases, suggest returns/replacements you might make (based on fit, as well as your opinions), advice you on how to put outfits together yourself and answer any other questions you may have.

  8. After this call or at the end of your 8 weeks of support, I will send you a report to document your style progress and adding in all the earlier shopping links, style and personal grooming advice, for your future reference.

  9. Congratulations, you have now reached your target of looking and feeling incredible. You have a core foundational wardrobe that sets you up for your everyday life as well as any occasion - go out there and live your best life!