6 Month Body Transformation Programme

3,000 USD/month

Have you been working out for months and years, trying to build your dream physique, only to hit plateaus or never really get close to your goals?
Are you struggling to lose body fat even though you keep cutting calories? Has adding on lean muscle been a tough proposition?
Do you look around at sculpted physiques at the gym or on models and actors, and think that those are unattainable for someone like you?
Well, I’m here to tell you that YOU can absolutely have the body of your dreams, and I’m going to show you just how to get it, and keep it!


  • 180 days of highly personalized fitness and nutrition coaching, along with a bio-hacking protocol tailored just for you.

  • Including 3 In person visits by me, over the course of the programme to monitor and track your progress. (1 Week Each)

  • Fully paid gym membership at the best gym/fitness club for your needs at a location of your choice.*

  • All supplements in your tailored nutrition and bio-hacking plan will be fully paid for by me.*

  • A documented progress report every 30 days.

  • Gain up to 15 kilos (34 lbs) of lean muscle and learn how to keep your gains.

  • Lose up to 15 kilos (34 lbs) of body fat.

  • Increase your strength and endurance by 50% or more.

  • Cultivate lifelong healthy exercise & eating habits and learn how to modify them at any given time to suit your goals.

*Fully paid for the duration of your body transformation program (180 days, or 210 days, in case of an extension).


  1. Book your free 30 minute consultation with me HERE. This step is mandatory before signing up for the program, in order for you to get a sense of me as a coach and to assess whether this plan is appropriate for you.

  2. After your free consultation, if we have decided to go ahead, you must book an initial 90 minute assessment with me HERE. At the time of booking this, you can either pay the full program fee OR pay a deposit of $3,000 (after which you can pay the remainder in 1 or 2 installments).

  3. During the consultation, we will discuss your health, fitness and nutrition history, your dream body (muscle gain, fat loss, aesthetic and health) goals, preferred gym location, pre-existing conditions and injuries and set an expected timeline for your transformation.

  4. You will receive your fully personalized fitness, nutrition and bio-hacking protocols within 7-10 days of the initial consultation.
    Your 90 day program begins on the day you receive your plans and your gym membership will also be ready to be used. You will also receive your supplements at the earliest date possible.

  5. We will keep in touch on a daily basis, by text messages or a 10 minute phone call. This is for you to provide me with updates and for me to guide you through the process and keep you motivated and on track.

  6. We will have two (three, if necessary) 60 minute video call(s) per week to go over your progress and steer you in the right direction for the upcoming days. The call can also be used to help you during your training and correct your form, technique, etc.

  7. You will receive a progress report at the end of every 30 days to document your progress, based on your goals.

  8. At the end of the 180 days, if you have not yet reached your goals, I will extend your plans, coaching, gym membership and supplements for another 30 days at no additional cost to you.